
Showing posts from January, 2022

My first post...yikes!

Hello! welcome to my blog. As they say opinion is like an a**hole everyone has one, I've one and I'm going to share it with guys, lol. My name is Mimi Ubini, a  crazy Nigerian living in the states. I would describe my personality as fun, crazy, larger than life. I love to laugh...alot, lol. my sense of humor is top notch, (if I may say so myself). I'm actually not new to the blogmophere infact, this is my second blog but unlike a the first one THIS IS NOT A GOSSIP BLOG, lol.  With this new blog, I'm going to blog about myself (boring!), my crazy train of though and my naughty side...duh! basically my diary online. This seems like fun (I love fun). hmmm what else??? I guess that's all LET THE FUN BEGIN!!